Poor WiFi signal

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How to improve your WiFi Signal

These steps will work for all 10MATES modems, including the VX220-G2V, Smart Modem Gateway (VX420-G2H), VX420-G2V, Nokia FastMile, Sagemcom 5G and other previously sold modems.

WiFi usually has a range of 30 metres indoors, but this can be reduced by walls and other obstacles between your devices and your modem.

  1. Make sure your modem is in a clear, central location in your home, on a desk or shelf without much clutter.Modems should not be placed on the ground, shut in cabinets, or crowded by other objects.
  2. Most modems have two WiFi networks: the newer, faster 5GHz WiFi and the older, slower 2.4GHz WiFi. Switching to 5GHz WiFi can give you better WiFi speeds with less interference from microwaves, baby monitors and other devices that use 2.4GHz WiFi.You’ll find your default WiFi network name and password printed on your modem’s barcode sticker. The 5GHz WiFi network usually has “5G” in its name.

    If you have a 10MATES Smart Modem Gateway or 5G Modem, the band steering feature will make sure that your devices automatically connect to the 5GHz WiFi whenever possible.

  3. If you have a 10MATES modem with custom WiFi network names, our 10MATES Modem Basic WiFi Settings guide will help you get into the WiFi settings and figure out the name of the 5GHz WiFi network.If you have a third-party modem, please check the manufacturer’s website for a guide.
  4. If you have a larger home, a standard WiFi signal may not be enough to cover your property. Please consider further options such as:
    – A WiFi extender;
    – A wireless mesh network;
    – Ethernet cabling.

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