Terms & Conditions

Contract Lengths
By entering into a contract with 10MATES you agree to and understand the terms on this page, 10MATES.com.au/terms. Contracts are binding for 12 months or 24 dependent on your desired options.
Disconnection Request
We require one full calendar month notice by email to disconnections@10MATES.com.au. Upon requesting a disconnection, any remaining contracted term, outstanding or pro-rata charges, will be deducted from your credit card or debited from your bank account.
Fair Use & Backhaul Policies
You must not breach the NBNco Fair Use Policy or other NBNco policies. Also you must not breach our carrier policies here and here.
NBN Battery Backup
The supply of a battery backup system is apart of a standard NBN installation. Though you may ask not to have one installed. The ability to use a phone service to make or receive calls during a power failure, including calls to an emergency service number, depends on whether a battery backup is installed. During a power outage the power supply unit will beep once and switch to the battery backup. There is enough power in the battery to last around 2 to 3 hours. In the event of a power outage, the power supply unit will beep once and automatically switch to its backup battery power. Your corded telephone device will only work if it does not rely on mains power and is connected to a UNI-V port, for example, some cordless phones need continuous mains power to work, so be sure to select one that doesn’t. Once the battery reaches 50% it will shutdown to preserve power, at that time you won’t be able to make or receive calls. You can make or receive emergency calls by holding the battery emergency use button down for two seconds to turn the device back on again. Once the battery is empty you will no longer be able to make or receive calls to anyone including emergency service numbers. Once the backup battery goes flat you will need to purchase and replace it yourself.
NBN New Development Charge
In most cases an nbn installation is free of charge. However nbn may require a once off $300 installation charge. To find out whether this is the case at your address, please contact with our team today.
NBN is a Third Party Service Provider
As per our service level agreement you will be exempt from claiming a rebate where a fault is directly or indirectly caused as a result of a Third Party Service Provider or a Third Party Service Provider’s network.
Network Performance
Each plan has a maximum theorectical speed, also known as the advertised speed. Depending on the time of day and the speed of web servers’ internet connection you are connecting to will determine how close the connection will come to reaching the maximum speed. Our team will advise you of the typical maximum speed attainable in your area & recommend the appropriate plan. It is imperative you understand & agree with this recommendation before agreeing to continue as ‘slow’ speeds caused by NBN infrastructure or technology type does allow for contracts to be terminated without liability. 10MATES will work with you & attempt to manage any & all issues with NBN infrastructure or technology but cannot be held liable or left at a financial disadvantage should you simply not be satisfied. We recommend our customers review the following pages made available by the nbn Co. with regards to technology types & how they effect speed & performance – here, here, and here.
Payments, Lateness & Debt Collection
The first months’ payment will be charged to your credit card on the first day of activation and is calculated by the days left in that month. Each recurring monthly payment thereafter will be automatically charged to your card on the 1st of each month. You will also receive an invoice on the first of each month which will update its status to paid once payment is recognised.
Those who miss the due date for a payment may receive reminders for the first 7 days via email. On the 8th day you will receive a reminder by email, SMS and phone call. On the 10th if you have not responded, the connection will be scheduled for disconnection after 30 days, meaning, at this stage, you have 30 days to clear up any misunderstandings and contact us to withdraw the disconnection. We will continue to pursure communcations with you during the 30 day period. After 30 days if we still have not been able to get in contact with you, you will receive a final invoice for the entire remaining contract period and your connection will have been disconnected.
If for whatever reason your debt comes to a stage where we need to use a debt collector, you will be charged an additional 25% on top of your outstanding amount to cover the fees of the debt collector.
Payment Processing
Your credit card & or banking information is stored and processed securely using either Stripe or GoCardless
Piracy, Hacking or Illegal use
Simply put, Illegal activities are prohibited whilst using a 10MATES services or product. It is our policy to work with Police & Law Enforcement Agencies should they provide legal direction if they suspect illegal activity on our service.
Preferred Carrier Partners
AAPT, Aussie Broadband, Telstra, Spirit & Opticomm
We store personal information about you. Things such as name, address, phone number and billing history, these things enable us to contact you if necessary. We use your name and email address to send you newsletters. We use Google Analytics, it shows us how many people are visiting our site and what area they are visiting from.
We are not required to provide a refund if you change your mind about the services you asked for. This document created by ACCC outlines our refund policy.
Relocations and Moving House
Connections are made at a single address and cannot be moved to another, in other words, the contract is bound to a single address. Moving before the contract is finished would mean paying the remaining months in the contract. However if you find someone to take over the contract for the remaining months and they continue to pay the remaining months until complete then you would not be liable.